次の一投の行方を予測! プロ野球データ分析チャレンジ

ストライク? ヒット? それともホームラン!?

賞金: 100,000 参加ユーザー数: 382 3年以上前に終了

1st Place Solution(by Oregin)

次の一投の行方を予測! プロ野球データ分析チャレンジ

遅くなってしまいましたが,1st Place Solution(by Oregin)を公開させていただきます。

【1位解法】ProbSpace開催「プロ野球データ分析チャレンジ 」の振り返り。 https://oregin-ai.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/06/23/223054


  • 目的となる分類の全クラスを多値分類するモデル。(ベースライン)
  • 頻度の少ないヒット、2塁打、3塁打、ホームランのそれぞれを予測するモデル


  • ./notebook : このファイルを入れておくディレクトリ(カレントディレクトリをこのディレクトリに移動して実行してください。)
  • ./features : 前処理した特徴量を保存しておくディレクトリ
  • ./data : test_data.csv,train_data.csv,game_info.csvを入れておくディレクトリ
  • ./submission : 中間の予測結果、最終予測結果(BestScore_submission.csv)を保存しておくディレクトリ
# 最終予測結果につける名前
Notebookname = 'BestScore'
cd /content/drive/MyDrive/XXXXXXXXXX/notebook






# xfeatのインストール
!pip install git+https://github.com/pfnet-research/xfeat.git
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 各種ライブラリのインポート
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import warnings

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import os
import random
import string
import re

from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm

import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold,GroupKFold
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score,precision_score
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB  # ComplementNB
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from  sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from  sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from tqdm import tqdm


# データ読み込み
###### train ########################

train = pd.read_csv('../data/train_data.csv')
target = train['y']
train = train.drop(['id','y'],axis=1)

#### test ###########################

test = pd.read_csv('../data/test_data.csv')
test = test.drop('id',axis=1)

#### game info ######################

game = pd.read_csv('../data/game_info.csv')
game = game.drop('Unnamed: 0',axis=1)
((20400, 22), (33808, 13), (20400,), (726, 8))
# 訓練データの球速を他の特徴量から予測できるように仮の目的変数とする。
# 欠損値は直前の値を入れて補完
target_speed = train['speed'].str.extract(r'(\d+)').fillna(method='ffill')


# チーム名を数字に置き換える
# 全チーム名のリストを作成する
TeamList = game['topTeam'].unique()
# チーム名のディクショナリを初期化
TeamDic = {}
# チーム名毎に数字を割り当てたディクショナリを初期化
for i in range(len(TeamList)):
  TeamDic[TeamList[i]] = i

startTime bottomTeam bgBottom topTeam place startDayTime bgTop gameID
721 13:00 7 12 3 PayPayドーム 2020-11-15 13:00:00 9 20203323
722 18:10 8 1 7 京セラD大阪 2020-11-21 18:10:00 12 20203326
723 18:10 8 1 7 京セラD大阪 2020-11-22 18:10:00 12 20203327
724 18:30 7 12 8 PayPayドーム 2020-11-24 18:30:00 1 20203328
725 18:30 7 12 8 PayPayドーム 2020-11-25 18:30:00 1 20203329
# 年月日、曜日、時分秒を追加
game['startDayTime'] = pd.to_datetime(game['startDayTime']) # 型を変換
# 'startDayTime'を削除
game = game.drop(['startDayTime'],axis=1)
# 訓練データのみにある列名(テストデータにはない列名)のリストを作成
delcollist = []
for col in train.columns:
  if not col in test.columns:
# 訓練データのみにある列名を削除
train = train.drop(delcollist,axis=1)
# inning を 数値に変換
train['inning_num'] =  train['inning'].apply(lambda x: re.sub("\\D", "", x))
test['inning_num'] =  test['inning'].apply(lambda x: re.sub("\\D", "", x))
# 表裏を判定する関数
def omote_ura(x):
  if '表' in x:
    return 0
    return 1
# 表裏の列を追加
train['inning_ForB'] =  train['inning'].apply(lambda x: omote_ura(x))
test['inning_ForB'] =  test['inning'].apply(lambda x: omote_ura(x))
# game_infoの追加
train = pd.merge(train, game, how='left')
test = pd.merge(test, game, how='left')
# inningの削除
train = train.drop('inning',axis=1)
test = test.drop('inning',axis=1)
# ボール、ストライク、アウトの合計値を追加
train['total_stat'] = train['B']+train['S']+train['O']
test['total_stat'] = test['B']+test['S']+test['O']
train['B_S'] = train['B']+train['S']
test['B_S'] = test['B']+test['S']
# ベース上のランナーの数を追加
train['total_base'] = train['b1'].astype('int')+train['b2'].astype('int')+train['b3'].astype('int')
test['total_base'] = test['b1'].astype('int')+test['b2'].astype('int')+test['b3'].astype('int')
# バッターのチームを追加
train['batterTeam'] = train['topTeam']
train['batterTeam'] = train['batterTeam'].where(train['inning_ForB']==1, train['bottomTeam'])
test['batterTeam'] = test['topTeam']
test['batterTeam'] = test['batterTeam'].where(test['inning_ForB']==1, test['bottomTeam'])
# ピッチャーのチームを追加
train['pitcherTeam'] = train['topTeam']
train['pitcherTeam'] = train['pitcherTeam'].where(train['inning_ForB']==0, train['bottomTeam'])
test['pitcherTeam'] = test['topTeam']
test['pitcherTeam'] = test['pitcherTeam'].where(test['inning_ForB']==0, test['bottomTeam'])
# カテゴリカル変数のカラムを抽出
categorical_columns = [x for x in train.columns if train[x].dtypes == 'object']
# カテゴリカル変数をカウントエンコードする
from xfeat import CountEncoder

encoder = CountEncoder(input_cols=categorical_columns)
train = encoder.fit_transform(train)
test = encoder.transform(test)
# 訓練データにターゲット列を追加する
train['target'] = target
# カテゴリカル変数をターゲットエンコーディングする
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from xfeat import TargetEncoder

fold = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
encoder = TargetEncoder(input_cols=categorical_columns,
train = encoder.fit_transform(train)
test = encoder.transform(test)
# エンコーディング前の列を削除する
train = train.drop(categorical_columns,axis=1)
test = test.drop(categorical_columns,axis=1)
# ターゲット列を削除
train = train.drop('target',axis=1)
((20400, 39), (33808, 39), (20400,), (20400, 1))
# pivot tabel を用いた特徴量を追加する関数
def get_game_id_vecs_features(input_df):
    _input_df = input_df
    # pivot table
    stat_df = pd.pivot_table(_input_df, index="gameID", columns="batter_te", values="total_stat").add_prefix("total_stat=")
    base_df = pd.pivot_table(_input_df, index="gameID", columns="batter_te", values="total_base").add_prefix("total_base=")
    inning_df = pd.pivot_table(_input_df, index="gameID", columns="batter_te", values="inning_num_ce").add_prefix("inning=")
    all_df = pd.concat([stat_df, base_df, inning_df], axis=1)
    # PCA all 
    sc_all_df = StandardScaler().fit_transform(all_df.fillna(0))
    pca = PCA(n_components=59, random_state=2021)
    pca_all_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(sc_all_df), index=all_df.index).rename(columns=lambda x: f"gameID_all_PCA={x:03}")
    # PCA Stat
    sc_stat_df = StandardScaler().fit_transform(stat_df.fillna(0))
    pca = PCA(n_components=16, random_state=2021)
    pca_stat_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(sc_stat_df), index=all_df.index).rename(columns=lambda x: f"gameID_stat_PCA={x:03}")
    # PCA bace
    sc_base_df = StandardScaler().fit_transform(base_df.fillna(0))
    pca = PCA(n_components=16, random_state=2021)
    pca_base_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(sc_base_df), index=all_df.index).rename(columns=lambda x: f"gameID_base_PCA={x:03}")
    # PCA inning
    sc_inning_df = StandardScaler().fit_transform(inning_df.fillna(0))
    pca = PCA(n_components=16, random_state=2021)
    pca_inning_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.fit_transform(sc_inning_df), index=all_df.index).rename(columns=lambda x: f"gameID_inning_PCA={x:03}")
    df = pd.concat([all_df, pca_all_df, pca_stat_df, pca_base_df, pca_inning_df], axis=1)
    output_df = pd.merge(_input_df[["gameID"]], df, left_on="gameID", right_index=True, how="left")
    return output_df
# 訓練データとテストデータを結合する
input_df = pd.concat([train, test]).reset_index(drop=True)  # use concat data
# ピボットデータを作成する
output_df = get_game_id_vecs_features(input_df)
# ピボットデータを訓練データとテストデータに分割する
train_x = output_df.iloc[:len(train)]
test_x = output_df.iloc[len(train):].reset_index(drop=True)
((20400, 2847), (33808, 2847), (20400, 39), (33808, 39), (20400,), (20400, 1))
# 元データとピボットデータを結合する
input_all_df = pd.concat([input_df,output_df],axis=1)
(54208, 2886)
# null のカラムの確認
nul_sum = input_all_df.isnull().sum()
null_cols = list(nul_sum[nul_sum > 0].index)

# null があるカラムの削除
input_all_df = input_all_df.drop(null_cols,axis=1)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold

# 分散が0(すべて同じ値)のカラムの探索
sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=0)

# get_supportで分散が0でないカラムのみをTrue値、分散が0のカラムはFalse値を返します

# 分散が0のカラムを削除
input_all_df =input_all_df.loc[:, sel.get_support()]
(54208, 145)
# indexとcolumnsを入れ替える
input_all_df_T = input_all_df.T


# 同じ特徴量の名前を取得
duplicated_features = input_all_df_T[input_all_df_T.duplicated()].index.values

# 値が同じ特徴量の片方を削除
input_all_df = input_all_df.drop(duplicated_features,axis=1)

(54208, 143)
# テストデータと訓練データに分ける
X_train = input_all_df.iloc[:len(train)]
X_test = input_all_df.iloc[len(train):].reset_index(drop=True)
((20400, 143), (33808, 143))
# 作成した特徴量のデータを保存しておく



SEED = 42
# speed のデータを1次元に変換
target_speed = target_speed.to_numpy().reshape(-1,)
def create_model_NN(activation, n_layers, n_neurons, solver):
    for i in range(n_layers):
    model = MLPRegressor(activation = activation,
                         solver = solver,
    pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(),model)
    return pipe
# テストデータの「Speed」を予測する関数
def pred_speed_of_test_data(train_x,test,target_speed,param):
    ### パラメータの設定
    activation = param['activation']
    n_layers = param['n_layers']
    for i in range(n_layers):
        n_neurons.append(param['neuron' + str(i).zfill(2)])
    solver = param['solver']
    ### CVの設定
    FOLD_NUM = 5
    kf = KFold(n_splits=NFOLDS, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)

    scores = []
    mlp_pred = 0

    for i, (tdx, vdx) in enumerate(kf.split(X=train_x)):
        X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_x.iloc[tdx], train_x.iloc[vdx], target_speed[tdx], target_speed[vdx]
        mlp  = create_model_NN(activation, n_layers, n_neurons, solver)
        # 学習
        # 予測
        mlp_pred += mlp.predict(test) / FOLD_NUM

    print('### Speed was predicted #######')
    return mlp_pred
# Speed予測用のハイパーパラメータ
param = {
"activation": 'tanh',
"n_layers": 9,
"neuron00": 45,
"neuron01": 52,
"neuron02": 57,
"neuron03": 79,
"neuron04": 21,
"neuron05": 102,
"neuron06": 118,
"neuron07": 31,
"neuron08": 66,
"solver": 'sgd',
# テストデータの「Speed」を予測する
speed_pred = pred_speed_of_test_data(X_train,X_test,target_speed,param)
### Speed was predicted #######
array(['149', '149', '137', ..., '120', '131', '143'], dtype=object)
array([137.30386032, 137.30378782, 137.30386424, ..., 137.30380607,
       137.30379655, 137.30378883])


# テストデータの「y」を予測する関数
### LGBで学習、予測する関数の定義
def pred_y_of_test_data(train,test,target,lgb_param,mlp_pred,select_col_list):
    # --------------------------------------
    # パラメータ定義
    # --------------------------------------
    lgb_params = {
                    'objective': 'multiclass',
                    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
                    'n_estimators': 50000,
                    'colsample_bytree': 0.5,
                    'subsample': 0.5,
                    'subsample_freq': 3,
                    'reg_alpha': 8,
                    'reg_lambda': 2,
                    'random_state': SEED,
                    'bagging_fraction': lgb_param['bagging_fraction'],
                    'bagging_freq': lgb_param['bagging_freq'],        
                    'feature_fraction': lgb_param['feature_fraction'],
                    'min_child_samples': lgb_param['min_child_samples'],
                    'num_leaves': lgb_param['num_leaves'],

    # --------------------------------------
    # 学習と予測
    # --------------------------------------
    kf = KFold(n_splits=NFOLDS, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)
    lgb_oof = np.zeros(train.shape[0])
    lgb_pred = pd.DataFrame()

    train_x = train.loc[:][select_col_list]
    test_x = test.loc[:][select_col_list]

    train_x['speed'] = target_speed.astype('float')
    test_x['speed'] = mlp_pred
    target_y = target

    for fold, (trn_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(X=train_x)):
        X_train, y_train = train_x.iloc[trn_idx], target_y[trn_idx]
        X_valid, y_valid = train_x.iloc[val_idx], target_y[val_idx]
        X_test = test_x

        # LightGBM
        model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(**lgb_params)
        model.fit(X_train, y_train,
                  eval_set=(X_valid, y_valid),

        lgb_oof[val_idx] = model.predict(X_valid)
        lgb_pred[f'fold_{fold}'] = model.predict(X_test)
        f1_macro = f1_score(y_valid, lgb_oof[val_idx], average='macro')
        print(f"fold {fold} lgb score: {f1_macro}")

    # 予測値の最頻値を求める(ご指摘をいただき修正)
    sub_pred = lgb_pred.mode(axis=1)[0]
    print("+-" * 40)
    print(f"score: {f1_macro}")
    return sub_pred
# 「y」を予測するモデルのハイパーパラメータを設定
lgb_param = {
"bagging_fraction": 0.7537281209924886,
"bagging_freq": 5,
"feature_fraction": 0.7548131884427044,
"learning_rate": 0.00854494687558397,
"min_child_samples": 78,
"num_leaves": 209,
# 予測に使う特徴量を選択
select_col_list =['B', 'O', 'b1', 'b3', 'bottomTeam', 'topTeam', 'bgTop',
                  'month', 'dayofweek', 'total_stat', 'pitcherTeam',
                  'pitcherHand_ce', 'batter_ce', 'inning_num_ce',
                  'startTime_ce', 'pitcherHand_te', 'batter_te',
                  'inning_num_te', 'startTime_te', 'place_te',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=000', 'gameID_all_PCA=002',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=004', 'gameID_all_PCA=005',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=009', 'gameID_all_PCA=012',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=015', 'gameID_all_PCA=016',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=017', 'gameID_all_PCA=019',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=023', 'gameID_all_PCA=024',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=029', 'gameID_all_PCA=031',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=035', 'gameID_all_PCA=039',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=040', 'gameID_all_PCA=042',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=045', 'gameID_all_PCA=046',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=047', 'gameID_all_PCA=048',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=049', 'gameID_all_PCA=051',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=053', 'gameID_all_PCA=054',
                  'gameID_all_PCA=057', 'gameID_stat_PCA=000',
                  'gameID_stat_PCA=001', 'gameID_stat_PCA=003',
                  'gameID_stat_PCA=004', 'gameID_stat_PCA=005',
                  'gameID_stat_PCA=006', 'gameID_stat_PCA=008',
                  'gameID_stat_PCA=010', 'gameID_stat_PCA=012',
                  'gameID_stat_PCA=014', 'gameID_stat_PCA=015',
                  'gameID_base_PCA=001', 'gameID_base_PCA=005',
                  'gameID_base_PCA=007', 'gameID_base_PCA=008',
                  'gameID_base_PCA=009', 'gameID_base_PCA=011',
                  'gameID_base_PCA=012', 'gameID_base_PCA=013',
                  'gameID_base_PCA=014', 'gameID_base_PCA=015',
                  'gameID_inning_PCA=001', 'gameID_inning_PCA=002',
                  'gameID_inning_PCA=003', 'gameID_inning_PCA=004',
                  'gameID_inning_PCA=006', 'gameID_inning_PCA=008',
                  'gameID_inning_PCA=009', 'gameID_inning_PCA=010',
                  'gameID_inning_PCA=012', 'gameID_inning_PCA=013',
sub_pred = pred_y_of_test_data(X_train,X_test,target,lgb_param,speed_pred,select_col_list)
fold 0 lgb score: 0.14689857610654244
fold 1 lgb score: 0.14367666587151642
fold 2 lgb score: 0.15786179891131963
fold 3 lgb score: 0.14182548394951047
fold 4 lgb score: 0.1483487213241339
score: 0.1483487213241339
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 予測ファイルの作成
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

submit_df = pd.DataFrame({'y': sub_pred.astype(int)})
submit_df.index.name = 'id'





import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import os

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from sklearn.model_selection import GroupKFold
# メモリ使用量削減
def reduce_mem_usage(df, verbose=False):
    start_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024**2
    cols = df.columns.to_list()
    df_1 = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['integer', 'float'])
    df_2 = df.select_dtypes(include=['integer']).apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='integer')
    df_3 = df.select_dtypes(include=['float']).apply(pd.to_numeric, downcast='float')
    df = df_1.join([df_2, df_3]).loc[:, cols]
    end_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024**2
    if verbose:
        print('{:.2f}Mb->{:.2f}Mb({:.1f}% reduction)'.format(
            start_mem, end_mem, 100 * (start_mem - end_mem) / start_mem))
    return df
# 乱数SEED初期化
def seed_everything(seed=42):
    os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed)
# 設定
INPUT_PATH = os.path.join('..', 'data')
SEED = 42

game_info.csv 処理

# game_info.csv読み取り
game_df = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, 'game_info.csv'), index_col=0))
startTime bottomTeam bgBottom topTeam place startDayTime bgTop gameID
0 18:00 DeNA 3 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00 6 20202173
1 18:00 ヤクルト 2 中日 神宮 2020-06-19 18:00:00 4 20202174
2 18:00 巨人 1 阪神 東京ドーム 2020-06-19 18:00:00 5 20202175
3 18:00 ソフトバンク 12 ロッテ PayPayドーム 2020-06-19 18:00:00 9 20202170
4 18:00 オリックス 11 楽天 京セラD大阪 2020-06-19 18:00:00 10 20202171
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
721 13:00 ソフトバンク 12 ロッテ PayPayドーム 2020-11-15 13:00:00 9 20203323
722 18:10 巨人 1 ソフトバンク 京セラD大阪 2020-11-21 18:10:00 12 20203326
723 18:10 巨人 1 ソフトバンク 京セラD大阪 2020-11-22 18:10:00 12 20203327
724 18:30 ソフトバンク 12 巨人 PayPayドーム 2020-11-24 18:30:00 1 20203328
725 18:30 ソフトバンク 12 巨人 PayPayドーム 2020-11-25 18:30:00 1 20203329

726 rows × 8 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 726 entries, 0 to 725
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------        --------------  ----- 
 0   startTime     726 non-null    object
 1   bottomTeam    726 non-null    object
 2   bgBottom      726 non-null    int8  
 3   topTeam       726 non-null    object
 4   place         726 non-null    object
 5   startDayTime  726 non-null    object
 6   bgTop         726 non-null    int8  
 7   gameID        726 non-null    int32 
dtypes: int32(1), int8(2), object(5)
memory usage: 58.3+ KB

train_data.csv 処理

# train_data.csv読み取り
tr_df = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, 'train_data.csv')))
# 重複行除去
print('duplicated lines:', tr_df.drop('id', axis=1).duplicated().sum())
tr_df = tr_df[~tr_df.drop('id', axis=1).duplicated()]

# game_infoマージ
tr_df = pd.merge(tr_df, game_df.drop(['bgTop', 'bgBottom'], axis=1), on='gameID', how='left')

# 同名選手回避
f = tr_df['inning'].str.contains('表')
tr_df.loc[ f, 'batter'] = tr_df.loc[ f, 'batter'] + '@' + tr_df.loc[ f, 'topTeam'].astype(str)
tr_df.loc[~f, 'batter'] = tr_df.loc[~f, 'batter'] + '@' + tr_df.loc[~f, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str)
tr_df.loc[ f, 'pitcher'] = tr_df.loc[ f, 'pitcher'] + '@' + tr_df.loc[ f, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str)
tr_df.loc[~f, 'pitcher'] = tr_df.loc[~f, 'pitcher'] + '@' + tr_df.loc[~f, 'topTeam'].astype(str)
duplicated lines: 3264
id totalPitchingCount B S O b1 b2 b3 pitcher pitcherHand batter batterHand gameID inning pitchType speed ballPositionLabel ballX ballY dir dist battingType isOuts y startTime bottomTeam topTeam place startDayTime
0 0 1 0 0 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 ストレート 149km/h 内角低め 17 J NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
1 1 2 1 0 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 ストレート 149km/h 内角低め 14 I NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
2 2 3 1 1 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 チェンジアップ 137km/h 外角高め 8 D NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
3 3 4 2 1 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 スライダー 138km/h 内角中心 21 G NaN NaN NaN NaN 2 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
4 4 5 2 2 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 チェンジアップ 136km/h 外角中心 7 F S 38.299999 G False 4 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17131 17131 2 1 0 2 False False False 森 唯斗@ソフトバンク R 大田 泰示@日本ハム R 20202118 9回裏 カットファストボール 143km/h 外角中心 7 F NaN NaN NaN NaN 2 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-06-30 18:00:00
17132 17132 3 1 1 2 False False False 森 唯斗@ソフトバンク R 大田 泰示@日本ハム R 20202118 9回裏 カーブ 120km/h 真ん中低め 12 K NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-06-30 18:00:00
17133 17133 4 2 1 2 False False False 森 唯斗@ソフトバンク R 大田 泰示@日本ハム R 20202118 9回裏 カーブ 120km/h 真ん中低め 10 H NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-06-30 18:00:00
17134 17134 5 2 2 2 False False False 森 唯斗@ソフトバンク R 大田 泰示@日本ハム R 20202118 9回裏 フォーク 131km/h 真ん中低め 12 K NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-06-30 18:00:00
17135 17135 6 3 2 2 False False False 森 唯斗@ソフトバンク R 大田 泰示@日本ハム R 20202118 9回裏 カットファストボール 143km/h 外角中心 6 E NaN 0.000000 NaN True 1 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-06-30 18:00:00

17136 rows × 29 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 17136 entries, 0 to 17135
Data columns (total 29 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------              --------------  -----  
 0   id                  17136 non-null  int16  
 1   totalPitchingCount  17136 non-null  int8   
 2   B                   17136 non-null  int8   
 3   S                   17136 non-null  int8   
 4   O                   17136 non-null  int8   
 5   b1                  17136 non-null  bool   
 6   b2                  17136 non-null  bool   
 7   b3                  17136 non-null  bool   
 8   pitcher             17136 non-null  object 
 9   pitcherHand         17105 non-null  object 
 10  batter              17136 non-null  object 
 11  batterHand          17105 non-null  object 
 12  gameID              17136 non-null  int32  
 13  inning              17136 non-null  object 
 14  pitchType           17136 non-null  object 
 15  speed               17136 non-null  object 
 16  ballPositionLabel   17136 non-null  object 
 17  ballX               17136 non-null  int8   
 18  ballY               17136 non-null  object 
 19  dir                 3094 non-null   object 
 20  dist                4356 non-null   float32
 21  battingType         3094 non-null   object 
 22  isOuts              4356 non-null   object 
 23  y                   17136 non-null  int8   
 24  startTime           17136 non-null  object 
 25  bottomTeam          17136 non-null  object 
 26  topTeam             17136 non-null  object 
 27  place               17136 non-null  object 
 28  startDayTime        17136 non-null  object 
dtypes: bool(3), float32(1), int16(1), int32(1), int8(6), object(17)
memory usage: 2.7+ MB

test_data.csv 処理

# test_data.csv読み取り
ts_df = reduce_mem_usage(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, 'test_data.csv')))
# game_infoマージ
ts_df = pd.merge(ts_df, game_df.drop(['bgTop', 'bgBottom'], axis=1), on='gameID', how='left')

# 同名選手回避
f = ts_df['inning'].str.contains('表')
ts_df.loc[ f, 'batter'] = ts_df.loc[ f, 'batter'] + '@' + ts_df.loc[ f, 'topTeam'].astype(str)
ts_df.loc[~f, 'batter'] = ts_df.loc[~f, 'batter'] + '@' + ts_df.loc[~f, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str)
ts_df.loc[ f, 'pitcher'] = ts_df.loc[ f, 'pitcher'] + '@' + ts_df.loc[ f, 'bottomTeam'].astype(str)
ts_df.loc[~f, 'pitcher'] = ts_df.loc[~f, 'pitcher'] + '@' + ts_df.loc[~f, 'topTeam'].astype(str)
id totalPitchingCount B S O b1 b2 b3 pitcher pitcherHand batter batterHand gameID inning startTime bottomTeam topTeam place startDayTime
0 0 2 1 0 0 False False False 遠藤 淳志@広島 R 乙坂 智@DeNA L 20202564 2回表 13:30 広島 DeNA マツダスタジアム 2020-09-06 13:30:00
1 1 1 0 0 0 False False False バンデンハーク@ソフトバンク R 西川 遥輝@日本ハム L 20202106 3回裏 18:00 日本ハム ソフトバンク 札幌ドーム 2020-07-02 18:00:00
2 2 7 3 2 2 True False False スアレス@阪神 R 堂林 翔太@広島 R 20203305 9回裏 14:00 広島 阪神 マツダスタジアム 2020-11-07 14:00:00
3 3 1 0 0 2 True False False クック@ヤクルト R 井領 雅貴@中日 L 20202650 3回裏 18:00 中日 ヤクルト ナゴヤドーム 2020-09-23 18:00:00
4 4 2 0 0 2 False False False 則本 昂大@楽天 R 安達 了一@オリックス R 20202339 2回表 18:00 楽天 オリックス 楽天生命パーク 2020-07-24 18:00:00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
33803 33803 2 0 1 0 False False False 床田 寛樹@広島 L 坂口 智隆@ヤクルト L 20202023 5回表 18:00 広島 ヤクルト マツダスタジアム 2020-07-18 18:00:00
33804 33804 1 0 0 0 False False False 堀岡 隼人@巨人 R メヒア@広島 R 20202640 9回表 18:00 巨人 広島 東京ドーム 2020-09-21 18:00:00
33805 33805 1 0 0 0 True False False ディプラン@巨人 R 鈴木 誠也@広島 R 20202864 7回裏 18:00 広島 巨人 マツダスタジアム 2020-11-04 18:00:00
33806 33806 5 3 1 1 False True False 田村 伊知郎@西武 R 周東 佑京@ソフトバンク L 20202806 8回裏 18:00 ソフトバンク 西武 PayPayドーム 2020-10-23 18:00:00
33807 33807 3 0 2 1 False False False 山本 由伸@オリックス R 源田 壮亮@西武 L 20202572 6回裏 18:00 西武 オリックス メットライフ 2020-09-08 18:00:00

33808 rows × 19 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 33808 entries, 0 to 33807
Data columns (total 19 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------              --------------  ----- 
 0   id                  33808 non-null  int32 
 1   totalPitchingCount  33808 non-null  int8  
 2   B                   33808 non-null  int8  
 3   S                   33808 non-null  int8  
 4   O                   33808 non-null  int8  
 5   b1                  33808 non-null  bool  
 6   b2                  33808 non-null  bool  
 7   b3                  33808 non-null  bool  
 8   pitcher             33807 non-null  object
 9   pitcherHand         33737 non-null  object
 10  batter              33803 non-null  object
 11  batterHand          33737 non-null  object
 12  gameID              33808 non-null  int32 
 13  inning              33808 non-null  object
 14  startTime           33808 non-null  object
 15  bottomTeam          33808 non-null  object
 16  topTeam             33808 non-null  object
 17  place               33808 non-null  object
 18  startDayTime        33808 non-null  object
dtypes: bool(3), int32(2), int8(4), object(10)
memory usage: 3.3+ MB

train、test 間の情報取得

# trainとtestに共通のピッチャーを取得
tr_pitcher = set(tr_df['pitcher'].unique())
ts_pitcher = set(ts_df['pitcher'].unique())
print(tr_df['pitcher'].isin(tr_pitcher & ts_pitcher).sum())
print(ts_df['pitcher'].isin(tr_pitcher & ts_pitcher).sum())

# trainとtestに共通のバッターを取得
tr_batter = set(tr_df['batter'].unique())
ts_batter = set(ts_df['batter'].unique())
print(tr_df['batter'].isin(tr_batter & ts_batter).sum())
print(ts_df['batter'].isin(tr_batter & ts_batter).sum())


# train_dataとtest_dataを結合
input_df = pd.concat([tr_df, ts_df], axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)

# pitcherHandとbatterHand
input_df['pitcherHand'] = input_df['pitcherHand'].fillna('R')
input_df['batterHand'] = input_df['batterHand'].fillna('R')

# 球種
input_df['pitchType'] = input_df['pitchType'].fillna('-')

# 球速
input_df['speed'] = input_df['speed'].str.replace('km/h', '').replace('-', '135').astype(float)
input_df['speed'] = input_df['speed'].fillna(0)

# 投球位置
input_df['ballPositionLabel'] = input_df['ballPositionLabel'].fillna('中心')

# 投球のX座標(1-21)
input_df['ballX'] = input_df['ballX'].fillna(0).astype(int)

# 投球のY座標(A-K)変換
input_df['ballY'] = input_df['ballY'].map({chr(ord('A')+i):i+1 for i in range(11)})
input_df['ballY'] = input_df['ballY'].fillna(0).astype(int)

# 打球方向(A-Z)
input_df['dir'] = input_df['ballY'].map({chr(ord('A')+i):i+1 for i in range(26)})
input_df['dir'] = input_df['dir'].fillna(0).astype(int)

# 打球距離
input_df['dist'] = input_df['dist'].fillna(0)

# 打球種類
input_df['battingType'] = input_df['battingType'].fillna('G')

# 投球結果がアウトか
input_df['isOuts'] = input_df['isOuts'].fillna('-1').astype(int)


del tr_df, ts_df, game_df
id totalPitchingCount B S O b1 b2 b3 pitcher pitcherHand batter batterHand gameID inning pitchType speed ballPositionLabel ballX ballY dir dist battingType isOuts y startTime bottomTeam topTeam place startDayTime
0 0 1 0 0 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 ストレート 149.0 内角低め 17 10 0 0.000000 G -1 0.0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
1 1 2 1 0 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 ストレート 149.0 内角低め 14 9 0 0.000000 G -1 1.0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
2 2 3 1 1 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 チェンジアップ 137.0 外角高め 8 4 0 0.000000 G -1 0.0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
3 3 4 2 1 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 スライダー 138.0 内角中心 21 7 0 0.000000 G -1 2.0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
4 4 5 2 2 0 False False False 今永 昇太@DeNA L ピレラ@広島 R 20202173 1回表 チェンジアップ 136.0 外角中心 7 6 0 38.299999 G 0 4.0 18:00 DeNA 広島 横浜 2020-06-19 18:00:00
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
50939 33803 2 0 1 0 False False False 床田 寛樹@広島 L 坂口 智隆@ヤクルト L 20202023 5回表 - 0.0 中心 0 0 0 0.000000 G -1 NaN 18:00 広島 ヤクルト マツダスタジアム 2020-07-18 18:00:00
50940 33804 1 0 0 0 False False False 堀岡 隼人@巨人 R メヒア@広島 R 20202640 9回表 - 0.0 中心 0 0 0 0.000000 G -1 NaN 18:00 巨人 広島 東京ドーム 2020-09-21 18:00:00
50941 33805 1 0 0 0 True False False ディプラン@巨人 R 鈴木 誠也@広島 R 20202864 7回裏 - 0.0 中心 0 0 0 0.000000 G -1 NaN 18:00 広島 巨人 マツダスタジアム 2020-11-04 18:00:00
50942 33806 5 3 1 1 False True False 田村 伊知郎@西武 R 周東 佑京@ソフトバンク L 20202806 8回裏 - 0.0 中心 0 0 0 0.000000 G -1 NaN 18:00 ソフトバンク 西武 PayPayドーム 2020-10-23 18:00:00
50943 33807 3 0 2 1 False False False 山本 由伸@オリックス R 源田 壮亮@西武 L 20202572 6回裏 - 0.0 中心 0 0 0 0.000000 G -1 NaN 18:00 西武 オリックス メットライフ 2020-09-08 18:00:00

50944 rows × 29 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 50944 entries, 0 to 50943
Data columns (total 29 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------              --------------  -----  
 0   id                  50944 non-null  int32  
 1   totalPitchingCount  50944 non-null  int8   
 2   B                   50944 non-null  int8   
 3   S                   50944 non-null  int8   
 4   O                   50944 non-null  int8   
 5   b1                  50944 non-null  bool   
 6   b2                  50944 non-null  bool   
 7   b3                  50944 non-null  bool   
 8   pitcher             50943 non-null  object 
 9   pitcherHand         50944 non-null  object 
 10  batter              50939 non-null  object 
 11  batterHand          50944 non-null  object 
 12  gameID              50944 non-null  int32  
 13  inning              50944 non-null  object 
 14  pitchType           50944 non-null  object 
 15  speed               50944 non-null  float64
 16  ballPositionLabel   50944 non-null  object 
 17  ballX               50944 non-null  int64  
 18  ballY               50944 non-null  int64  
 19  dir                 50944 non-null  int64  
 20  dist                50944 non-null  float32
 21  battingType         50944 non-null  object 
 22  isOuts              50944 non-null  int64  
 23  y                   17136 non-null  float64
 24  startTime           50944 non-null  object 
 25  bottomTeam          50944 non-null  object 
 26  topTeam             50944 non-null  object 
 27  place               50944 non-null  object 
 28  startDayTime        50944 non-null  object 
dtypes: bool(3), float32(1), float64(2), int32(2), int64(4), int8(4), object(13)
memory usage: 8.3+ MB


from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
def get_base_features(input_df):
    output_df = input_df.copy()

    output_df['inning'] = 2 * (output_df['inning'].str[0].astype(int) - 1) + output_df['inning'].str.contains('裏')

    output_df['pitcherCommon'] = output_df['pitcher']
    output_df['batterCommon'] = output_df['batter']
    output_df.loc[~(output_df['pitcherCommon'].isin(tr_pitcher & ts_pitcher)), 'pitcherCommon'] = np.nan
    output_df.loc[~(output_df['batterCommon'].isin(tr_batter & ts_batter)), 'batterCommon'] = np.nan

    # label encoding
    cat_cols = output_df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns
    for col in cat_cols:
        f = output_df[col].notnull()
        output_df.loc[f, col] = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(output_df.loc[f, col].values)
        output_df.loc[~f, col] = -1
        output_df[col] = output_df[col].astype(int)
    output_df['inningHalf'] = output_df['inning'] % 2
    output_df['inningNumber'] = output_df['inning'] // 2
    output_df['outCount'] = output_df['inning'] * 3 + output_df['O']
    output_df['B_S_O'] = output_df['B'] + 4 * (output_df['S'] + 3 * output_df['O'])
    output_df['b1_b2_b3'] = output_df['b1'] * 1 + output_df['b2'] * 2 + output_df['b3'] * 4
    return reduce_mem_usage(output_df)


def random_sampling(input_df, n_sample=10):
    dfs = []
    tr_df = input_df[input_df['y'].notnull()].copy()
    ts_df = input_df[input_df['y'].isnull()].copy()
    for i in tqdm(range(n_sample)):
        df = tr_df.groupby(['gameID', 'outCount']).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=1, random_state=i)).reset_index(drop=True)
        df['subGameID'] = df['gameID'] * n_sample + i
    ts_df['subGameID'] = ts_df['gameID'] * n_sample
    return pd.concat(dfs + [ts_df], axis=0)


# 集約関数
def aggregation(input_df, group_keys, group_values, agg_methods):
    new_df = []
    for agg_method in agg_methods:
        for col in group_values:
            if callable(agg_method):
                agg_method_name = agg_method.__name__
                agg_method_name = agg_method
            new_col = f'agg_{agg_method_name}_{col}_grpby_' + '_'.join(group_keys)
            agg_df = input_df[[col]+group_keys].groupby(group_keys)[[col]].agg(agg_method)
            agg_df.columns = [new_col]
    new_df = pd.concat(new_df, axis=1).reset_index()

    output_df = pd.merge(input_df, new_df, on=group_keys, how='left')
    return output_df, list(new_df.columns)
def get_agg_gameID_inningHalf_features(input_df):
    group_keys = ['subGameID', 'inningHalf']
    group_values = ['S', 'B', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3']
    agg_methods = ['mean', 'std']
    output_df, cols = aggregation(
        input_df, group_keys=group_keys, group_values=group_values, agg_methods=agg_methods)
    return reduce_mem_usage(output_df)

pivot table 特徴量

from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# pivot tabel を用いた特徴量
def get_pivot_NMF9_features(input_df, n, value_col):
    pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median)
    sc0 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(np.median(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,0::2,:], axis=-1))
    sc1 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(np.median(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,1::2,:], axis=-1))
    nmf = NMF(n_components=n, random_state=2021)
    nmf_df0 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc0), index=pivot_df.index).rename(
        columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF9T={x:02}')
    nmf_df1 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc1), index=pivot_df.index).rename(
        columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF9B={x:02}')
    nmf_df = pd.concat([nmf_df0, nmf_df1], axis=1)
    nmf_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, nmf_df, left_on='subGameID', right_index=True, how='left')
    return reduce_mem_usage(nmf_df)

# pivot tabel を用いた特徴量
def get_pivot_NMF27_features(input_df, n, value_col):
    pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median)
    sc0 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,0::2].reshape(-1,27))
    sc1 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(pivot_df.fillna(0).values.reshape(-1,54//3,3)[:,1::2].reshape(-1,27))
    nmf = NMF(n_components=n, random_state=2021)
    nmf_df0 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc0), index=pivot_df.index).rename(
        columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF27T={x:02}')
    nmf_df1 = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc1), index=pivot_df.index).rename(
        columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF27B={x:02}')
    nmf_df = pd.concat([nmf_df0, nmf_df1], axis=1)
    nmf_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, nmf_df, left_on='subGameID', right_index=True, how='left')
    return reduce_mem_usage(nmf_df)

# pivot tabel を用いた特徴量
def get_pivot_NMF54_features(input_df, n, value_col):
    pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=np.median)
    sc = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(pivot_df.fillna(0).values)
    nmf = NMF(n_components=n, random_state=2021)
    nmf_df = pd.DataFrame(nmf.fit_transform(sc), index=pivot_df.index).rename(
        columns=lambda x: f'pivot_{value_col}_NMF54={x:02}')
    nmf_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, nmf_df, left_on='subGameID', right_index=True, how='left')
    return reduce_mem_usage(nmf_df)


def get_diff_feature(input_df, value_col, periods, in_inning=True, aggfunc=np.median):
    pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=aggfunc)
    if in_inning:
        dfs = []
        for inning in range(9):
            df0 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for out in range(0,3)]].diff(periods, axis=1)
            df1 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for out in range(3,6)]].diff(periods, axis=1)
            dfs += [df0, df1]
        pivot_df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).stack()
        df0 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for inning in range(9) for out in range(0,3)]].diff(periods, axis=1)
        df1 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for inning in range(9) for out in range(3,6)]].diff(periods, axis=1)
        pivot_df = pd.concat([df0, df1], axis=1).stack()
    return pivot_df

def get_shift_feature(input_df, value_col, periods, in_inning=True, aggfunc=np.median):
    pivot_df = pd.pivot_table(input_df, index='subGameID', columns='outCount', values=value_col, aggfunc=aggfunc)
    if in_inning:
        dfs = []
        for inning in range(9):
            df0 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for out in range(0,3)]].shift(periods, axis=1)
            df1 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for out in range(3,6)]].shift(periods, axis=1)
            dfs += [df0, df1]
        pivot_df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).stack()
        df0 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for inning in range(9) for out in range(0,3)]].shift(periods, axis=1)
        df1 = pivot_df.loc[:, [out+inning*6 for inning in range(9) for out in range(3,6)]].shift(periods, axis=1)
        pivot_df = pd.concat([df0, df1], axis=1).stack()
    return pivot_df
def get_next_data(input_df, value_col, in_inning=True, nan_value=None):
    pivot_df = get_shift_feature(input_df, value_col, periods=-1, in_inning=in_inning)
    pivot_df.name = 'next_' + value_col
    output_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, pivot_df, left_on=['subGameID', 'outCount'], right_index=True, how='left')
    if nan_value is not None:
        output_df[pivot_df.name].fillna(nan_value, inplace=True)
    return output_df

def get_prev_data(input_df, value_col, in_inning=True, nan_value=None):
    pivot_df = get_shift_feature(input_df, value_col, periods=1, in_inning=in_inning)
    pivot_df.name = 'prev_' + value_col
    output_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, pivot_df, left_on=['subGameID', 'outCount'], right_index=True, how='left')
    if nan_value is not None:
        output_df[pivot_df.name].fillna(nan_value, inplace=True)
    return output_df
def get_next_diff(input_df, value_col, in_inning=True, nan_value=None):
    pivot_df = get_diff_feature(input_df, value_col, periods=-1, in_inning=in_inning)
    pivot_df.name = 'next_diff_' + value_col
    output_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, pivot_df, left_on=['subGameID', 'outCount'], right_index=True, how='left')
    if nan_value is not None:
        output_df[pivot_df.name].fillna(nan_value, inplace=True)
    return output_df

def get_prev_diff(input_df, value_col, in_inning=True, nan_value=None):
    pivot_df = get_diff_feature(input_df, value_col, periods=1, in_inning=in_inning)
    pivot_df.name = 'prev_diff_' + value_col
    output_df = pd.merge(
        input_df, pivot_df, left_on=['subGameID', 'outCount'], right_index=True, how='left')
    if nan_value is not None:
        output_df[pivot_df.name].fillna(nan_value, inplace=True)
    return output_df


def get_tfidf(input_df, term_col, document_col):
    output_df = input_df.copy()
    output_df['dummy'] = 0
    tf1 = output_df[[document_col, term_col, 'dummy']].groupby([document_col, term_col])['dummy'].count()
    tf1.name = 'tf1'
    tf2 = output_df[[document_col, term_col, 'dummy']].groupby([document_col])['dummy'].count()
    tf2.name = 'tf2'
    idf1 = output_df[document_col].nunique()
    idf2 = output_df[[document_col, term_col, 'dummy']].groupby([term_col])[document_col].nunique()
    idf2.name = 'idf2'
    output_df = pd.merge(output_df, tf1, left_on=[document_col, term_col], right_index=True, how='left')
    output_df = pd.merge(output_df, tf2, left_on=[document_col], right_index=True, how='left')
    output_df['idf1'] = idf1
    output_df = pd.merge(output_df, idf2, left_on=[term_col], right_index=True, how='left')
    col_name = 'tfidf_' + term_col + '_in_' + document_col
    tf = np.log(1 + (1 + output_df['tf1']) / (1 + output_df['tf2']))
    idf = 1 + np.log((1 + output_df['idf1']) / (1 + output_df['idf2']))
    output_df[col_name] = tf * idf
    return output_df.drop(['tf1', 'tf2', 'idf1', 'idf2', 'dummy'], axis=1)


def get_skip(input_df):
    output_df = input_df.copy()

    next_skip_map = {}
    prev_skip_map = {}
    for key, group in output_df.groupby(['subGameID', 'inningHalf']):
        n = len(group)
        dist_map = {}
        batter = group.sort_values('outCount')['batter']
        for i in range(n - 1):
            b1 = batter.iloc[i]
            for d in range(1, 5):
                if i + d >= n:
                b2 = batter.iloc[i + d]

                if (b1, b2) in dist_map.keys():
                    if dist_map[(b1, b2)] < d:
                        dist_map[(b1, b2)] = d
                    dist_map[(b1, b2)] = d
        for i in range(len(batter) - 1):
            next_skip_map[batter.index[i]] = dist_map[(batter.iloc[i], batter.iloc[i+1])]
        for i in range(1, len(batter)):
            prev_skip_map[batter.index[i]] = dist_map[(batter.iloc[i-1], batter.iloc[i])]

    output_df['next_skip'] = output_df.index.map(next_skip_map).fillna(0).astype(np.int8)
    output_df['prev_skip'] = output_df.index.map(prev_skip_map).fillna(0).astype(np.int8)
    return output_df


# 特徴量作成用の関数を実行する関数
def preprocess(input_df):
    output_df = input_df.copy()

    # aggrigation
    output_df = get_agg_gameID_inningHalf_features(output_df)    

    # pivot
    output_df = get_pivot_NMF9_features(output_df, n=2, value_col='b1_b2_b3')
    output_df = get_pivot_NMF27_features(output_df, n=2, value_col='b1_b2_b3')
    output_df = get_pivot_NMF54_features(output_df, n=2, value_col='b1_b2_b3')

    # next/previous
    output_df = get_next_data(output_df, value_col='b1_b2_b3', nan_value=8)
    output_df = get_next_diff(output_df, value_col='b1_b2_b3', nan_value=8)
    output_df = get_prev_data(output_df, value_col='b1_b2_b3', nan_value=8)
    output_df = get_prev_diff(output_df, value_col='b1_b2_b3', nan_value=8)

    # TF-IDF
    output_df = get_tfidf(output_df, term_col='batter', document_col='subGameID')

    # skip
    output_df = get_skip(output_df)

    return output_df
base_df = get_base_features(input_df)
id totalPitchingCount B S O b1 b2 b3 pitcher pitcherHand batter batterHand gameID inning pitchType speed ballPositionLabel ballX ballY dir dist battingType isOuts y startTime bottomTeam topTeam place startDayTime pitcherCommon batterCommon inningHalf inningNumber outCount B_S_O b1_b2_b3
0 0 1 0 0 0 False False False 71 0 24 1 20202173 0 5 149.0 4 17 10 0 0.000000 2 -1 0.0 5 0 7 10 0 47 16 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 1 0 0 False False False 71 0 24 1 20202173 0 5 149.0 4 14 9 0 0.000000 2 -1 1.0 5 0 7 10 0 47 16 0 0 0 1 0
2 2 3 1 1 0 False False False 71 0 24 1 20202173 0 7 137.0 8 8 4 0 0.000000 2 -1 0.0 5 0 7 10 0 47 16 0 0 0 5 0
3 3 4 2 1 0 False False False 71 0 24 1 20202173 0 6 138.0 3 21 7 0 0.000000 2 -1 2.0 5 0 7 10 0 47 16 0 0 0 6 0
4 4 5 2 2 0 False False False 71 0 24 1 20202173 0 7 136.0 6 7 6 0 38.299999 2 0 4.0 5 0 7 10 0 47 16 0 0 0 10 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
50939 33803 2 0 1 0 False False False 171 0 113 0 20202023 8 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.000000 2 -1 NaN 5 7 3 4 38 98 72 0 4 24 4 0
50940 33804 1 0 0 0 False False False 109 1 30 1 20202640 16 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.000000 2 -1 NaN 5 6 7 8 143 -1 22 0 8 48 0 0
50941 33805 1 0 0 0 True False False 19 1 375 1 20202864 13 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.000000 2 -1 NaN 5 7 6 4 206 -1 213 1 6 39 0 1
50942 33806 5 3 1 1 False True False 250 1 108 0 20202806 15 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.000000 2 -1 NaN 5 2 10 0 190 139 69 1 7 46 19 2
50943 33807 3 0 2 1 False False False 153 1 274 0 20202572 11 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.000000 2 -1 NaN 5 10 1 5 118 85 163 1 5 34 20 0

50944 rows × 36 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 50944 entries, 0 to 50943
Data columns (total 36 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------              --------------  -----  
 0   id                  50944 non-null  int32  
 1   totalPitchingCount  50944 non-null  int8   
 2   B                   50944 non-null  int8   
 3   S                   50944 non-null  int8   
 4   O                   50944 non-null  int8   
 5   b1                  50944 non-null  bool   
 6   b2                  50944 non-null  bool   
 7   b3                  50944 non-null  bool   
 8   pitcher             50944 non-null  int16  
 9   pitcherHand         50944 non-null  int8   
 10  batter              50944 non-null  int16  
 11  batterHand          50944 non-null  int8   
 12  gameID              50944 non-null  int32  
 13  inning              50944 non-null  int8   
 14  pitchType           50944 non-null  int8   
 15  speed               50944 non-null  float32
 16  ballPositionLabel   50944 non-null  int8   
 17  ballX               50944 non-null  int8   
 18  ballY               50944 non-null  int8   
 19  dir                 50944 non-null  int8   
 20  dist                50944 non-null  float32
 21  battingType         50944 non-null  int8   
 22  isOuts              50944 non-null  int8   
 23  y                   17136 non-null  float32
 24  startTime           50944 non-null  int8   
 25  bottomTeam          50944 non-null  int8   
 26  topTeam             50944 non-null  int8   
 27  place               50944 non-null  int8   
 28  startDayTime        50944 non-null  int16  
 29  pitcherCommon       50944 non-null  int16  
 30  batterCommon        50944 non-null  int16  
 31  inningHalf          50944 non-null  int8   
 32  inningNumber        50944 non-null  int8   
 33  outCount            50944 non-null  int8   
 34  B_S_O               50944 non-null  int8   
 35  b1_b2_b3            50944 non-null  int8   
dtypes: bool(3), float32(3), int16(5), int32(2), int8(23)
memory usage: 2.7 MB
sampling_df = random_sampling(base_df, n_sample=N_SAMPLE)
HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, max=5.0), HTML(value='')))
id totalPitchingCount B S O b1 b2 b3 pitcher pitcherHand batter batterHand gameID inning pitchType speed ballPositionLabel ballX ballY dir dist battingType isOuts y startTime bottomTeam topTeam place startDayTime pitcherCommon batterCommon inningHalf inningNumber outCount B_S_O b1_b2_b3 subGameID
0 16276 3 2 0 0 False False False 325 1 55 1 20202116 0 5 148.0 6 8 7 0 0.0 2 -1 1.0 5 10 1 5 13 180 37 0 0 0 2 0 101010580
1 16280 3 1 1 1 False False False 325 1 142 1 20202116 0 6 136.0 6 8 5 0 25.5 2 1 3.0 5 10 1 5 13 180 92 0 0 1 17 0 101010580
2 16288 3 1 1 2 True False False 325 1 15 1 20202116 0 5 148.0 11 15 3 0 0.0 2 -1 1.0 5 10 1 5 13 180 9 0 0 2 29 1 101010580
3 16292 3 0 2 0 False False False 0 0 374 0 20202116 1 6 126.0 6 15 6 0 0.0 2 -1 2.0 5 10 1 5 13 0 212 1 0 3 8 0 101010580
4 16300 7 2 2 1 False False False 0 0 274 0 20202116 1 3 135.0 9 10 11 0 0.0 2 -1 0.0 5 10 1 5 13 0 163 1 0 4 22 0 101010580
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
50939 33803 2 0 1 0 False False False 171 0 113 0 20202023 8 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 2 -1 NaN 5 7 3 4 38 98 72 0 4 24 4 0 101010115
50940 33804 1 0 0 0 False False False 109 1 30 1 20202640 16 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 2 -1 NaN 5 6 7 8 143 -1 22 0 8 48 0 0 101013200
50941 33805 1 0 0 0 True False False 19 1 375 1 20202864 13 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 2 -1 NaN 5 7 6 4 206 -1 213 1 6 39 0 1 101014320
50942 33806 5 3 1 1 False True False 250 1 108 0 20202806 15 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 2 -1 NaN 5 2 10 0 190 139 69 1 7 46 19 2 101014030
50943 33807 3 0 2 1 False False False 153 1 274 0 20202572 11 0 0.0 1 0 0 0 0.0 2 -1 NaN 5 10 1 5 118 85 163 1 5 34 20 0 101012860

48768 rows × 37 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 48768 entries, 0 to 50943
Data columns (total 37 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------              --------------  -----  
 0   id                  48768 non-null  int32  
 1   totalPitchingCount  48768 non-null  int8   
 2   B                   48768 non-null  int8   
 3   S                   48768 non-null  int8   
 4   O                   48768 non-null  int8   
 5   b1                  48768 non-null  bool   
 6   b2                  48768 non-null  bool   
 7   b3                  48768 non-null  bool   
 8   pitcher             48768 non-null  int16  
 9   pitcherHand         48768 non-null  int8   
 10  batter              48768 non-null  int16  
 11  batterHand          48768 non-null  int8   
 12  gameID              48768 non-null  int32  
 13  inning              48768 non-null  int8   
 14  pitchType           48768 non-null  int8   
 15  speed               48768 non-null  float32
 16  ballPositionLabel   48768 non-null  int8   
 17  ballX               48768 non-null  int8   
 18  ballY               48768 non-null  int8   
 19  dir                 48768 non-null  int8   
 20  dist                48768 non-null  float32
 21  battingType         48768 non-null  int8   
 22  isOuts              48768 non-null  int8   
 23  y                   14960 non-null  float32
 24  startTime           48768 non-null  int8   
 25  bottomTeam          48768 non-null  int8   
 26  topTeam             48768 non-null  int8   
 27  place               48768 non-null  int8   
 28  startDayTime        48768 non-null  int16  
 29  pitcherCommon       48768 non-null  int16  
 30  batterCommon        48768 non-null  int16  
 31  inningHalf          48768 non-null  int8   
 32  inningNumber        48768 non-null  int8   
 33  outCount            48768 non-null  int8   
 34  B_S_O               48768 non-null  int8   
 35  b1_b2_b3            48768 non-null  int8   
 36  subGameID           48768 non-null  int64  
dtypes: bool(3), float32(3), int16(5), int32(2), int64(1), int8(23)
memory usage: 3.3 MB
prep_df = preprocess(sampling_df)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 48768 entries, 0 to 48767
Data columns (total 64 columns):
 #   Column                                  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                                  --------------  -----  
 0   id                                      48768 non-null  int32  
 1   totalPitchingCount                      48768 non-null  int8   
 2   B                                       48768 non-null  int8   
 3   S                                       48768 non-null  int8   
 4   O                                       48768 non-null  int8   
 5   b1                                      48768 non-null  bool   
 6   b2                                      48768 non-null  bool   
 7   b3                                      48768 non-null  bool   
 8   pitcher                                 48768 non-null  int16  
 9   pitcherHand                             48768 non-null  int8   
 10  batter                                  48768 non-null  int16  
 11  batterHand                              48768 non-null  int8   
 12  gameID                                  48768 non-null  int32  
 13  inning                                  48768 non-null  int8   
 14  pitchType                               48768 non-null  int8   
 15  speed                                   48768 non-null  float32
 16  ballPositionLabel                       48768 non-null  int8   
 17  ballX                                   48768 non-null  int8   
 18  ballY                                   48768 non-null  int8   
 19  dir                                     48768 non-null  int8   
 20  dist                                    48768 non-null  float32
 21  battingType                             48768 non-null  int8   
 22  isOuts                                  48768 non-null  int8   
 23  y                                       14960 non-null  float32
 24  startTime                               48768 non-null  int8   
 25  bottomTeam                              48768 non-null  int8   
 26  topTeam                                 48768 non-null  int8   
 27  place                                   48768 non-null  int8   
 28  startDayTime                            48768 non-null  int16  
 29  pitcherCommon                           48768 non-null  int16  
 30  batterCommon                            48768 non-null  int16  
 31  inningHalf                              48768 non-null  int8   
 32  inningNumber                            48768 non-null  int8   
 33  outCount                                48768 non-null  int8   
 34  B_S_O                                   48768 non-null  int8   
 35  b1_b2_b3                                48768 non-null  int8   
 36  subGameID                               48768 non-null  int32  
 37  agg_mean_S_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf   48768 non-null  float32
 38  agg_mean_B_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf   48768 non-null  float32
 39  agg_mean_b1_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf  48768 non-null  float32
 40  agg_mean_b2_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf  48768 non-null  float32
 41  agg_mean_b3_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf  48768 non-null  float32
 42  agg_std_S_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf    48768 non-null  float32
 43  agg_std_B_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf    48768 non-null  float32
 44  agg_std_b1_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf   48768 non-null  float32
 45  agg_std_b2_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf   48768 non-null  float32
 46  agg_std_b3_grpby_subGameID_inningHalf   48768 non-null  float32
 47  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF9T=00                 48768 non-null  float32
 48  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF9T=01                 48768 non-null  float32
 49  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF9B=00                 48768 non-null  float32
 50  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF9B=01                 48768 non-null  float32
 51  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF27T=00                48768 non-null  float32
 52  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF27T=01                48768 non-null  float32
 53  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF27B=00                48768 non-null  float32
 54  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF27B=01                48768 non-null  float32
 55  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF54=00                 48768 non-null  float32
 56  pivot_b1_b2_b3_NMF54=01                 48768 non-null  float32
 57  next_b1_b2_b3                           48768 non-null  float64
 58  next_diff_b1_b2_b3                      48768 non-null  float64
 59  prev_b1_b2_b3                           48768 non-null  float64
 60  prev_diff_b1_b2_b3                      48768 non-null  float64
 61  tfidf_batter_in_subGameID               48768 non-null  float64
 62  next_skip                               48768 non-null  int64  
 63  prev_skip                               48768 non-null  int64  
dtypes: bool(3), float32(23), float64(5), int16(5), int32(3), int64(2), int8(23)
memory usage: 10.7 MB


drop_cols = [


target_col = 'y'
group_col = 'gameID'
F010_train = prep_df[prep_df[target_col].notnull()]
F010_test = prep_df[prep_df[target_col].isnull()]
F010_target = F010_train[target_col]
F010_train = F010_train.drop([target_col] + drop_cols, axis=1)
F010_test = F010_test.drop([target_col] + drop_cols, axis=1)
((14960, 47), (33808, 47), (14960,))


# 作成した特徴量のデータを保存しておく





###### スケールを変換する関数
def scale_train_test(train,valid,test,flg):

  # スケール変換器を作成
  if flg == 0:
    scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

  # 特徴量を変換
  std_train = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(train))
  std_valid = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(valid))
  std_test = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(test))

  std_train.columns = train.columns
  std_valid.columns = valid.columns
  std_test.columns = test.columns 
  return std_train,std_valid,std_test
###### カラム名を変換する関数
def make_colname(df):
    collist = []
    colnamelist = []
    for j in range(len(df.columns)):
        #print(df.columns[j])# = f'col-{j}'
    df.columns = collist
    return collist,colnamelist
###### 検証データとテストデータを1チーム分に絞り込む関数
def select_by_team(train,test,target,team_num,flg):
  if len(train[train['bottomTeam']==team_num]) > 0:
    select_valid = train[train['bottomTeam']==team_num]
    select_valid_target = target[train['bottomTeam']==team_num]
    select_valid = train.copy()
    select_valid_target = target.copy()

  select_test = test[test['bottomTeam']==team_num]
  test_index = test[test['bottomTeam']==team_num].index

  std_train,std_valid,std_test = scale_train_test(train,select_valid,select_test,flg)
  collist,colnamelist = make_colname(std_train)
  collist,colnamelist = make_colname(std_valid)
  collist,colnamelist = make_colname(std_test)
  return std_train,std_valid,std_test,select_valid_target,test_index
### LGBで学習、予測する関数の定義
def objective(train,test,target,valid,valid_target,all_param):
    # 目的変数「y」の予測
    # --------------------------------------
    # パラメータ定義
    # --------------------------------------
    params = {
        'task': 'train',
        'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
        # 二値分類問題
        'objective': 'binary',
        'metric': 'auc',
        'verbosity': -1,
        'lambda_l1': all_param['lambda_l1'],
        'lambda_l2': all_param['lambda_l2'],
        'num_leaves': all_param['num_leaves'],
        'feature_fraction': all_param['feature_fraction'],
        'bagging_fraction': all_param['bagging_fraction'],
        'bagging_freq': all_param['bagging_freq'],
        'min_child_samples': all_param['min_child_samples'],

    Threshold_y = all_param['Threshold_y']

    # --------------------------------------
    # 学習と予測(最終予測)
    # --------------------------------------

    col_list = test.columns

    train_x = pd.DataFrame()
    test_x = pd.DataFrame()
    select_col_list = all_param['select_col_list']

    train_x = train.loc[:][select_col_list]
    test_x = test.loc[:][select_col_list]

    X_train, y_train = train_x, target['y']
    X_test = test_x

    randomTrainState = all_param['randomTrainState']

    # アンダーサンプリングしながら訓練用データの作成
    sampler = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=randomTrainState)
    X_resampled, y_resampled = sampler.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
    # 検証用データの作成
    #X_val, y_val = valid,valid_target
    X_val = valid.loc[:][select_col_list]
    y_val = valid_target

    # LightGBM
    num_round = all_param['num_round']
    lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(X_resampled, y_resampled)
    model = lgb.train(params,                                   # 上記で設定したパラメータ
                  lgb_train,                                # 使用するデータセット
                  num_boost_round=num_round,                     # 学習の回数
                  verbose_eval=None)                        # 学習の経過の表示しない

    lgb_val_pred  = model.predict(X_val)
    val_pred = np.zeros(lgb_val_pred.shape)
    val_pred[lgb_val_pred > Threshold_y] = 1 
    f1_macro = f1_score(y_val, val_pred)
    #print("+-" * 40)
    #print(f"score: {f1_macro}")

    lgb_pred  = model.predict(X_test)
    sub_pred = np.zeros(lgb_pred.shape)
    sub_pred[lgb_pred > Threshold_y] = 1 

    return f1_macro,sub_pred,lgb_pred
### MultinomialNBで学習、予測する関数の定義
def objective2(train,test,target,valid,valid_target,all_param):
    # --------------------------------------
    # パラメータ定義
    # --------------------------------------
    NFOLDS = 11
    Threshold_y = all_param['Threshold_y']

    # --------------------------------------
    # 学習と予測(最終予測)
    # --------------------------------------
    lgb_oof = pd.DataFrame()
    lgb_preds = pd.DataFrame()

    col_list = test.columns

    train_x = pd.DataFrame()
    test_x = pd.DataFrame()
    select_col_list = all_param['select_col_list']

    train_x = train.loc[:][select_col_list]
    test_x = test.loc[:][select_col_list]

    X_train, y_train = train_x, target['y']
    X_test = test_x

    randomTrainState = all_param['randomTrainState']

    val_scores = []
    for fold in range(NFOLDS):
      # アンダーサンプリングしながら訓練用データの作成
      sampler = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=randomTrainState+fold)
      X_resampled, y_resampled = sampler.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
      # print('X resample:'+str(len(X_resampled)))
      # 検証用データの作成(random_stateを変えて取得)
      sampler = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=randomTrainState+fold+5)
      X_val, y_val = sampler.fit_resample(X_train,y_train)
      # 学習 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      model = MultinomialNB()
      model.fit(X_resampled, y_resampled)

      lgb_preds[f'pred{fold:03d}'] = model.predict(X_test)

      tmp_pred = model.predict(X_val)
      val_pred = np.zeros(tmp_pred.shape)
      val_pred[tmp_pred > Threshold_y] = 1 
      valscore = f1_score(y_val, val_pred)

    f1_macro = np.mean(val_scores)
    #print("+-" * 40)
    #print(f"score: {f1_macro}")

    lgb_pred  = lgb_preds.mean(axis='columns') 
    sub_pred = np.zeros(lgb_pred.shape)
    sub_pred[lgb_pred > Threshold_y] = 1 

    return f1_macro,sub_pred,lgb_pred
def pred_by_team(train,test,target,team_num,all_sub_pred,all_param00,flg):
  # Team に絞った検証データと、テストデータを作成する。
  train00,valid00,test00,valid_target00,testindex00 = select_by_team(train,test,target,team_num,flg)
  if flg == 0:
    f1_macro00,sub_pred00,lgb_pred00 = objective(train00,test00,target,valid00,valid_target00,all_param00)
    f1_macro00,sub_pred00,lgb_pred00 = objective2(train00,test00,target,valid00,valid_target00,all_param00)
  # 予測結果の格納
  all_sub_pred[testindex00] = sub_pred00
  return f1_macro00,sub_pred00,lgb_pred00,all_sub_pred
def pred_all_teams(header_num,prednum,param_list,flg=0):
  # データ読み込み
  ###### train ########################
  train = pd.read_csv(f'../features/{header_num}_train.csv')
  target = pd.read_csv(f'../features/{header_num}_target.csv')
  target['y'] = target['y'].astype(int)
  #### test ###########################
  test = pd.read_csv(f'../features/{header_num}_test.csv')

  ##### target to one hot vector ######
  target_df = pd.get_dummies(target, columns=['y'])

  # select pred target
  # select only target pred num
  target['y'] = target_df[f'y_{prednum}']
  # 予測値格納用の配列を作成
  all_sub_pred = np.zeros((len(test),))
  for i in range(len(param_list)):
    f1_macro00,sub_pred00,lgb_pred00,all_sub_pred = pred_by_team(train,test,target,i,all_sub_pred,param_list[i],flg)

  return all_sub_pred



header_num = 'F010'
prednum = 4
sub_num = f'ind0{prednum}-t00-all'
param_list = []

Team 00

# Team 00 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param00 ={
'num_round': 22,
'Threshold_y': 0.5457880758611685,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8011059140187697,
'bagging_freq': 6,
'feature_fraction': 0.596451862314391,
'lambda_l1': 0.03797737964975018,
'lambda_l2': 1.5247646095285393e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.011373097841736944,
'min_child_samples': 54,
'num_leaves': 108,
'randomTrainState': 5000,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-28', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 01

# Team 01 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param01 ={
'num_round': 23,
'Threshold_y': 0.5889101186701063,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6374123048258021,
'bagging_freq': 1,
'feature_fraction': 0.7134861073611422,
'lambda_l1': 1.9170047296779988e-06,
'lambda_l2': 5.208948566113227e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.024343076451874744,
'min_child_samples': 91,
'num_leaves': 256,
'randomTrainState': 7547,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-43', 'col-44'],

Team 02

# Team 02の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param02 ={
'num_round': 25,
'Threshold_y': 0.5893221185816869,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8754828088009734,
'bagging_freq': 7,
'feature_fraction': 0.5629420510817766,
'lambda_l1': 8.096083569290082e-06,
'lambda_l2': 2.5099283088293556e-08,
'learning_rate': 0.02012230648399335,
'min_child_samples': 24,
'num_leaves': 249,
'randomTrainState': 9991,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-5', 'col-7', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-28', 'col-30', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45'],

Team 03

# Team 03の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param03 ={
'num_round': 81,
'Threshold_y': 0.625101164467119,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7373604916657892,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.7071738392109185,
'lambda_l1': 0.00011291713906883523,
'lambda_l2': 3.481715177476982e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.009426473025184819,
'min_child_samples': 14,
'num_leaves': 193,
'randomTrainState': 9993,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-3', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-9', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-24', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 04

# Team 04の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param04 ={
'num_round': 29,
'Threshold_y': 0.5259362725435317,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7259878847691205,
'bagging_freq': 7,
'feature_fraction': 0.4024323069123868,
'lambda_l1': 1.4698558567372508e-05,
'lambda_l2': 0.0001484293366246452,
'learning_rate': 0.005120538199748757,
'min_child_samples': 40,
'num_leaves': 194,
'randomTrainState': 6164,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-14', 'col-16', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 05

# Team 05の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param05 ={
'num_round': 82,
'Threshold_y': 0.6977108739620748,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7282751551795792,
'bagging_freq': 6,
'feature_fraction': 0.45809154061872265,
'lambda_l1': 0.1322170148676693,
'lambda_l2': 1.1545917924898332e-06,
'learning_rate': 0.02257794841585556,
'min_child_samples': 16,
'num_leaves': 139,
'randomTrainState': 4312,
'select_col_list': ['col-3', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-14', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-45', 'col-46'],


Team 06

# Team 06の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param06 = {
'num_round': 76,
'Threshold_y': 0.677259,
'bagging_fraction': 0.622379131760522,
'bagging_freq': 1,
'feature_fraction': 0.43523697616265694,
'lambda_l1': 0.8211241372618634,
'lambda_l2': 2.111340578441308e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.021960522978137942,
'min_child_samples': 12,
'num_leaves': 27,
'randomTrainState': 886,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-30', 'col-34', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 07

# Team 07の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param07 ={
'num_round': 11,
'Threshold_y': 0.5153190259276867,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7713406672167327,
'bagging_freq': 5,
'feature_fraction': 0.9198934709118338,
'lambda_l1': 0.10237235943070253,
'lambda_l2': 9.078045159422409e-06,
'learning_rate': 0.0053148818152905924,
'min_child_samples': 53,
'num_leaves': 74,
'randomTrainState': 5415,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-7', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-26', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 08

# Team 08の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param08 ={
'num_round': 10,
'Threshold_y': 0.5380212227317296,
'bagging_fraction': 0.9187000291018446,
'bagging_freq': 2,
'feature_fraction': 0.6481201635454304,
'lambda_l1': 7.715161904743353e-07,
'lambda_l2': 0.002920082833647645,
'learning_rate': 0.02575749622485481,
'min_child_samples': 42,
'num_leaves': 157,
'randomTrainState': 5678,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-15', 'col-18', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-26', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-46'],

Team 09

# Team 09の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param09 ={
'num_round': 61,
'Threshold_y': 0.560865361282143,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7236062249349682,
'bagging_freq': 2,
'feature_fraction': 0.40196600417593165,
'lambda_l1': 3.272803221486633e-07,
'lambda_l2': 0.0059614935640386335,
'learning_rate': 0.008946676196277018,
'min_child_samples': 77,
'num_leaves': 35,
'randomTrainState': 9582,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-20', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-34', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 10

# Team 10の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param10 ={
'num_round': 3,
'Threshold_y': 0.5136703347722501,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6576434003296778,
'bagging_freq': 2,
'feature_fraction': 0.9238185170320545,
'lambda_l1': 9.453058045248753e-07,
'lambda_l2': 6.173857715519222e-07,
'learning_rate': 0.015417272505010775,
'min_child_samples': 39,
'num_leaves': 178,
'randomTrainState': 1971,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-12', 'col-15', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 11

# Team 11の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param11 ={
'num_round': 114,
'Threshold_y': 0.6276608676627834,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6079086267466319,
'bagging_freq': 3,
'feature_fraction': 0.8841048573926545,
'lambda_l1': 4.6216686227184415e-06,
'lambda_l2': 0.0016302782388678146,
'learning_rate': 0.005927956010265586,
'min_child_samples': 14,
'num_leaves': 243,
'randomTrainState': 7314,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-44', 'col-45'],


all_sub_pred =  pred_all_teams(header_num,prednum,param_list,flg=0)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 予測ファイルの作成
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

submit_df = pd.DataFrame({'y': all_sub_pred.astype(int)})
submit_df.index.name = 'id'



header_num = 'F010'
prednum = 5
versionnum = 2
sub_num = f'ind0{prednum}-t0{versionnum-1}-all'
param_list = []

Team 00

# Team 00 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param00 ={
'num_round': 51,
'Threshold_y': 0.5988650028111873,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6341989032831783,
'bagging_freq': 3,
'feature_fraction': 0.9292090322755205,
'lambda_l1': 1.773192620560166e-06,
'lambda_l2': 1.1227618933934534e-06,
'learning_rate': 0.009081946102827547,
'min_child_samples': 16,
'num_leaves': 124,
'randomTrainState': 7454,
'select_col_list': ['col-3', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-15', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 01

# Team 01 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param01 ={
'num_round': 28,
'Threshold_y': 0.6071184768452184,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7923625382057141,
'bagging_freq': 6,
'feature_fraction': 0.8688674184611311,
'lambda_l1': 0.00029783203896991247,
'lambda_l2': 0.001102626205095361,
'learning_rate': 0.00998140615023234,
'min_child_samples': 21,
'num_leaves': 131,
'randomTrainState': 2263,
'select_col_list': ['col-4', 'col-8', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-25', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-46'],

Team 02

# Team 02の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param02 ={
'num_round': 79,
'Threshold_y': 0.8006167049819931,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7076316063654214,
'bagging_freq': 2,
'feature_fraction': 0.8284870339000393,
'lambda_l1': 0.2968327757147524,
'lambda_l2': 4.858948316137708e-07,
'learning_rate': 0.014441578144409953,
'min_child_samples': 7,
'num_leaves': 96,
'randomTrainState': 1652,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-15', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-36', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 03

# Team 03の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param03 ={
'num_round': 20,
'Threshold_y': 0.5822015809423722,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8485251397259249,
'bagging_freq': 7,
'feature_fraction': 0.6987577577331818,
'lambda_l1': 4.570181490781628e-08,
'lambda_l2': 3.103035915457753e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.01161090478870929,
'min_child_samples': 13,
'num_leaves': 239,
'randomTrainState': 6063,
'select_col_list': ['col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-45'],

Team 04

# Team 04の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param04 ={
'num_round': 13,
'Threshold_y': 0.5840054766305995,
'bagging_fraction': 0.9633826802938512,
'bagging_freq': 3,
'feature_fraction': 0.5037259239028026,
'lambda_l1': 0.1715113716988102,
'lambda_l2': 0.00037841395658834735,
'learning_rate': 0.02581013349605285,
'min_child_samples': 16,
'num_leaves': 188,
'randomTrainState': 4892,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-4', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-16', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-26', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-41', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 05

# Team 05の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param05 ={
'num_round': 27,
'Threshold_y': 0.5676781314173396,
'bagging_fraction': 0.5465120737723101,
'bagging_freq': 3,
'feature_fraction': 0.5239167666136786,
'lambda_l1': 0.08853036547863448,
'lambda_l2': 0.0009080573846847937,
'learning_rate': 0.011709255698557373,
'min_child_samples': 30,
'num_leaves': 75,
'randomTrainState': 2689,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-15', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 06

# Team 06の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param06 ={
'num_round': 39,
'Threshold_y': 0.6321024724116466,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8291697371770824,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.714953727496321,
'lambda_l1': 1.0168924231577864e-08,
'lambda_l2': 3.9010744136314086,
'learning_rate': 0.014855555702265079,
'min_child_samples': 11,
'num_leaves': 189,
'randomTrainState': 8210,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-3', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-37', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-44', 'col-45'],

Team 07

# Team 07の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param07 ={
'num_round': 27,
'Threshold_y': 0.6411434456489781,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8322805023962896,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.7242422251249383,
'lambda_l1': 1.7872305643364622e-06,
'lambda_l2': 0.012347332855752268,
'learning_rate': 0.012792533160345695,
'min_child_samples': 5,
'num_leaves': 172,
'randomTrainState': 3373,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-5', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-27', 'col-29', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43'],

Team 08

# Team 08の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param08 ={
'num_round': 9,
'Threshold_y': 0.5242129210057586,
'bagging_fraction': 0.862789007067898,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.41212081743841283,
'lambda_l1': 0.00015207051582398425,
'lambda_l2': 1.916552147625866e-06,
'learning_rate': 0.008489738430627213,
'min_child_samples': 16,
'num_leaves': 132,
'randomTrainState': 5037,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-37', 'col-40'],

Team 09

# Team 09の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param09 ={
'num_round': 32,
'Threshold_y': 0.6494177400635616,
'bagging_fraction': 0.769538933451904,
'bagging_freq': 5,
'feature_fraction': 0.6071303730337405,
'lambda_l1': 0.09787230103279305,
'lambda_l2': 0.002781501819288105,
'learning_rate': 0.01844675577717961,
'min_child_samples': 17,
'num_leaves': 245,
'randomTrainState': 5510,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-36', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-44', 'col-45'],

Team 10

# Team 10の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param10 ={
'num_round': 36,
'Threshold_y': 0.5909216962211854,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6488973849546392,
'bagging_freq': 5,
'feature_fraction': 0.42504440898708207,
'lambda_l1': 0.017937047426524792,
'lambda_l2': 2.671891261744761e-08,
'learning_rate': 0.009163978056130472,
'min_child_samples': 7,
'num_leaves': 52,
'randomTrainState': 507,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-15', 'col-18', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-36', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-45'],

Team 11

# Team 11の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param11 ={
'num_round': 32,
'Threshold_y': 0.5910917436123575,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6937932067153532,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.49245322978952205,
'lambda_l1': 0.041304191123197054,
'lambda_l2': 0.02073817982403152,
'learning_rate': 0.020908997050675497,
'min_child_samples': 31,
'num_leaves': 84,
'randomTrainState': 3191,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-15', 'col-18', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-26', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45'],


all_sub_pred =  pred_all_teams(header_num,prednum,param_list,flg=0)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 予測ファイルの作成
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

submit_df = pd.DataFrame({'y': all_sub_pred.astype(int)})
submit_df.index.name = 'id'



header_num = 'F010'
prednum = 6
versionnum = 2
sub_num = f'ind0{prednum}-t0{versionnum-1}-all'
param_list = []

Team 00

# Team 00 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param00 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 4032,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-9', 'col-12', 'col-16', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-43'],

Team 01

# Team 01 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param01 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 6180,
'select_col_list': ['col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-16', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-28', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-38', 'col-43'],

Team 02

# Team 02の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param02 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 8530,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-10', 'col-13', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-36', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 03

# Team 03の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param03 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 8340,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-4', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-46'],

Team 04

# Team 04の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param04 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 1838,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-15', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-44'],

Team 05

# Team 05の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param05 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 7404,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-11', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-45'],

Team 06

# Team 06の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param06 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 9847,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-15', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-43'],

Team 07

# Team 07の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param07 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 5801,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-14', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-28', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-39', 'col-43'],

Team 08

# Team 08の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param08 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 2587,
'select_col_list': ['col-2', 'col-10', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-30', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44'],


Team 09

# Team 09の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param09 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 7251,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-44'],

Team 10

# Team 10の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param10 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 1427,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-13', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-33', 'col-37', 'col-39', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-46'],

Team 11

# Team 11の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param11 = {
'Threshold_y': 0.9090909090909091,
'randomTrainState': 8532,
'select_col_list': ['col-4', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-12', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-46'],


all_sub_pred = pred_all_teams(header_num,prednum,param_list,flg=1)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 予測ファイルの作成
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

submit_df = pd.DataFrame({'y': all_sub_pred.astype(int)})
submit_df.index.name = 'id'



header_num = 'F010'
prednum = 7
versionnum = 2
sub_num = f'ind0{prednum}-t0{versionnum-1}-all'
param_list = []

Team 00

# Team 00 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param00 ={
'num_round': 17,
'Threshold_y': 0.5301191795552576,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6947579218693694,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.6427395221155658,
'lambda_l1': 3.868220205359664e-06,
'lambda_l2': 0.00010945101702546976,
'learning_rate': 0.012303614918122196,
'min_child_samples': 29,
'num_leaves': 68,
'randomTrainState': 7925,
'select_col_list': ['col-2', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 01

# Team 01 の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param01 ={
'num_round': 12,
'Threshold_y': 0.5441403422091486,
'bagging_fraction': 0.9012232602552761,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.7253945401233162,
'lambda_l1': 0.2914740452257848,
'lambda_l2': 0.04572992822765882,
'learning_rate': 0.016231192303684548,
'min_child_samples': 23,
'num_leaves': 91,
'randomTrainState': 1380,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-16', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45'],

Team 02

# Team 02の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param02 ={
'num_round': 18,
'Threshold_y': 0.5141469693930233,
'bagging_fraction': 0.4454919386587845,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.4910223795324583,
'lambda_l1': 8.25489775949208e-07,
'lambda_l2': 0.00028137109089829035,
'learning_rate': 0.009886683851392216,
'min_child_samples': 33,
'num_leaves': 164,
'randomTrainState': 4258,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-20', 'col-22', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-35', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 03

# Team 03の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param03 ={
'num_round': 30,
'Threshold_y': 0.6157333939466578,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7416403427407998,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.6390231509876305,
'lambda_l1': 0.0013841308254424842,
'lambda_l2': 2.947622365708902e-08,
'learning_rate': 0.017965732967915805,
'min_child_samples': 10,
'num_leaves': 58,
'randomTrainState': 8544,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-5', 'col-9', 'col-11', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-30', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-42', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 04

# Team 04の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param04 ={
'num_round': 10,
'Threshold_y': 0.5382883421585195,
'bagging_fraction': 0.9260827614635292,
'bagging_freq': 1,
'feature_fraction': 0.623208621531255,
'lambda_l1': 1.1685440624114588e-05,
'lambda_l2': 2.0705413009667016e-06,
'learning_rate': 0.01337137234883777,
'min_child_samples': 17,
'num_leaves': 247,
'randomTrainState': 1034,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-2', 'col-7', 'col-9', 'col-13', 'col-17', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-35', 'col-37', 'col-40', 'col-44'],

Team 05

# Team 05の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param05 ={
'num_round': 9,
'Threshold_y': 0.5099648119079944,
'bagging_fraction': 0.5492567465444324,
'bagging_freq': 1,
'feature_fraction': 0.4897531927776741,
'lambda_l1': 2.4809120148651396e-05,
'lambda_l2': 1.5095440320754698,
'learning_rate': 0.00512450905231661,
'min_child_samples': 13,
'num_leaves': 160,
'randomTrainState': 6233,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-4', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-22', 'col-23', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-34', 'col-35', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-44', 'col-45'],

Team 06

# Team 06の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param06 ={
'num_round': 4,
'Threshold_y': 0.5106891139428876,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8856916241331956,
'bagging_freq': 6,
'feature_fraction': 0.6045574049863165,
'lambda_l1': 4.77724838181608e-08,
'lambda_l2': 0.001905462262038446,
'learning_rate': 0.005373278707637609,
'min_child_samples': 7,
'num_leaves': 113,
'randomTrainState': 6210,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-18', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-24', 'col-25', 'col-26', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-34', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-41', 'col-43', 'col-45'],

Team 07

# Team 07の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param07 ={
'num_round': 4,
'Threshold_y': 0.5322936094849703,
'bagging_fraction': 0.5475129500981026,
'bagging_freq': 5,
'feature_fraction': 0.4681456989889187,
'lambda_l1': 1.0545528690242021e-08,
'lambda_l2': 2.7055951582708258e-05,
'learning_rate': 0.02718788620631782,
'min_child_samples': 13,
'num_leaves': 55,
'randomTrainState': 6971,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-5', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-16', 'col-18', 'col-19', 'col-20', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-36', 'col-37', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 08

# Team 08の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param08 ={
'num_round': 30,
'Threshold_y': 0.551452774858463,
'bagging_fraction': 0.7458101524869044,
'bagging_freq': 6,
'feature_fraction': 0.9613253477230401,
'lambda_l1': 7.788897620269775e-05,
'lambda_l2': 0.00011503845220559952,
'learning_rate': 0.012429959408447424,
'min_child_samples': 38,
'num_leaves': 42,
'randomTrainState': 6235,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-1', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-7', 'col-8', 'col-9', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-23', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-30', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-36', 'col-38', 'col-40', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 09

# Team 09の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param09 ={
'num_round': 44,
'Threshold_y': 0.6830165308159903,
'bagging_fraction': 0.6369598156229328,
'bagging_freq': 2,
'feature_fraction': 0.628698124193263,
'lambda_l1': 0.34808902669160463,
'lambda_l2': 0.00454043954405315,
'learning_rate': 0.015746213466134217,
'min_child_samples': 5,
'num_leaves': 196,
'randomTrainState': 6937,
'select_col_list': ['col-0', 'col-4', 'col-7', 'col-9', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-16', 'col-21', 'col-25', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-34', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-43', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 10

# Team 10の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param10 ={
'num_round': 8,
'Threshold_y': 0.5120004095438825,
'bagging_fraction': 0.8744266038117634,
'bagging_freq': 5,
'feature_fraction': 0.7002886281573345,
'lambda_l1': 0.0003268581788463471,
'lambda_l2': 1.1108540310880616e-07,
'learning_rate': 0.005442442065203486,
'min_child_samples': 23,
'num_leaves': 76,
'randomTrainState': 3586,
'select_col_list': ['col-1', 'col-3', 'col-5', 'col-6', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-13', 'col-14', 'col-15', 'col-16', 'col-17', 'col-19', 'col-21', 'col-22', 'col-26', 'col-27', 'col-28', 'col-29', 'col-31', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-35', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-43', 'col-44', 'col-45', 'col-46'],

Team 11

# Team 11の予測のパラメータをセット
all_param11 ={
'num_round': 32,
'Threshold_y': 0.6387455194897039,
'bagging_fraction': 0.9556231800736257,
'bagging_freq': 4,
'feature_fraction': 0.8217034788203843,
'lambda_l1': 2.5066872014083758e-05,
'lambda_l2': 0.40979135808078626,
'learning_rate': 0.014743719382639122,
'min_child_samples': 10,
'num_leaves': 200,
'randomTrainState': 7136,
'select_col_list': ['col-2', 'col-3', 'col-4', 'col-5', 'col-10', 'col-11', 'col-12', 'col-13', 'col-19', 'col-23', 'col-24', 'col-32', 'col-33', 'col-36', 'col-38', 'col-39', 'col-40', 'col-42', 'col-45', 'col-46'],


all_sub_pred =  pred_all_teams(header_num,prednum,param_list,flg=0)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 予測ファイルの作成
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

submit_df = pd.DataFrame({'y': all_sub_pred.astype(int)})
submit_df.index.name = 'id'


# baseとなる予測を読み込み
submit_df = pd.read_csv('../submission/submission.csv',index_col='id')
0 1
1 1
2 3
3 1
4 0
# 予測値毎に予測した値を追加する関数
def add_submission(prednum,filename,submit_df):
  sub066_df =  pd.read_csv(filename,index_col='id')
  # print(sub066_df.sum()*prednum)
  sub066_df[sub066_df['y']==1] = prednum
  # print(sub066_df.sum())
  submit_df[f'ypred{prednum}'] = sub066_df['y']
# 4〜7については、予測値毎に予測した値を追加
# ベースとなる予測に指定した順番に予測値ごとの予測を合成する関数
def overwrite_submission(paramlist,submit_df):
  calc_df = submit_df.copy()
  overwrite_name = 'y'
  for i in paramlist:
    next_overwrite_name = f'{overwrite_name}-{i}'
    calc_df[next_overwrite_name] = calc_df[f'ypred{i}'].where(calc_df[f'ypred{i}']==i,calc_df[overwrite_name])
    overwrite_name = next_overwrite_name
  calc_df['y'] = calc_df[overwrite_name]
  return calc_df 
# 合成処理
submit_df = overwrite_submission([ 4, 5, 7, 6],submit_df)
submit_brend = pd.DataFrame({'y': submit_df['y']})
submit_brend.index.name = 'id'


  • BestScore-notebook.ipynb?X-Amz-Expires=10800&X-Amz-Date=20250114T001047Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIP7GCBGMWPMZ42PQ
  • BestScore-notebook.ipynb?X-Amz-Expires=10800&X-Amz-Date=20250114T001047Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIP7GCBGMWPMZ42PQ
  • Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=6b40182cd8a2555d76a04d454d05d40a2c178e19658934e21edef28ee92956db

    すばらしいソリューションの公開ありがとうございます。 出現頻度の低いクラスを2値分類に落とし込むアイデアに脱帽しました。



    def objective(train,test,target,valid,valid_target,all_param):


    # 検証用データの作成
    #X_val, y_val = valid,valid_target
    X_val = valid.loc[:][select_col_list]
    y_val = valid_target


    Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=46c8ea456dd1daf9827d5de1fdfcc12018949afe93ac5b2895735a9feb6f4b36


    Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=6b40182cd8a2555d76a04d454d05d40a2c178e19658934e21edef28ee92956db

    わかりました。 私も書いた後でバージョン違いかな?と思いました。 こちらのバージョンは下記でした。




    1位おめでとうございます!また、すばらしいソリューションの公開ありがとうございます。 チームごとに2値分類をするのと、全チーム一気に2値分類するのでは結構結果が異なったのでしょうか。 (チームごとに分類するのがどれくらい効果があったのか気になったもので質問させていただきました。) パラメーターやカラムがチームごとに細かく違うのは、どのように決めていった感じでしょうか。

    Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=46c8ea456dd1daf9827d5de1fdfcc12018949afe93ac5b2895735a9feb6f4b36






    • 過去のコンペで使ったパラメータ、ランダムで発生させたパラメータ、手動での補正(切り上げなど)
    • ランダムで発生させたカラムの組み合わせ、LightGBMの重要度で選択、相関係数が高いカラムの削減、手動での補正(1個減らしたり、増やしたり)
    Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=a5f906c59f9de5c8887d13890e4e9f8d94bd194c7ad54b5748fe73dbac019492


    • random_sampling()subGameId という特徴量が計算され、以降様々な箇所(pivot 集計等)で軸として用いられていますが、この特徴量はどのような考え方で作成された特徴量でしょうか?計算式を見ても理解が及ばず・・・。
    • 今回のソリューションを再現するための仮想環境の作り方を教えていただけますか。
    new user
    コメントするには 新規登録 もしくは ログイン が必要です。