

賞金: 100,000 参加ユーザー数: 569 5年弱前に終了

ValueError when submitting

I have just submitted without changing any parts for arranging my predictions into csv file, but am getting a ValueError (see below for exact message). Is anyone else running into the same issue? or is something wrong with my CSV file?

As far as I can see, the format is alike as my previous submissions which did not end in an error.

Error message:

ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=9b96367a23d724674809a4df165b0e7497c6831843b610966ee57bd2e27cae3f

I recieved the same error message.


Me too. In my case, prediction values are all 'inf'

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=8887ab6a619735693fda2c6125dcb7260c06ff706c1f05e7d0b5cb0f43cac3c7

I have also tried resubmitting the same prediction I was able to submit earlier, but got the same error. A bug in the score calculation perhaps?

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=42a1a46d3b108354072c1102e7198abb6de2058577568c4605360c608209a6f8

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.
There was a problem during system update. Currently, it's operating normally.
I would appreciate your continuous support.

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