Question for Leaderboard

It seems that the biggest mae is regarded as best score in Leaderboard. I beleive that the smallest mae should be best score.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=39f55ce58935303f56d5502eaa4be47e6dc15c39a4ad9f90457bc1da7859c9aa

Thank you for your information, and sorry for the inconvenience. We will fix the submission logic immediately.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=39f55ce58935303f56d5502eaa4be47e6dc15c39a4ad9f90457bc1da7859c9aa

The submission logic has been fixed. Thank you for letting me know immediately.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=98aec535b787a2b0a765a0d93e7e69384c23ab8328e8a50caee55622a7cd8ba5

Is it really fixed? The best score of mine on Leaderboard is still biggest mae...

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=39f55ce58935303f56d5502eaa4be47e6dc15c39a4ad9f90457bc1da7859c9aa

Could you please resubmit the best MAE?
The csv should be appropriately evaluated from next submission.
If not update, it would be helpful if you could tell me.
I appreciate your help.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=98aec535b787a2b0a765a0d93e7e69384c23ab8328e8a50caee55622a7cd8ba5

I reached submission limit yesterday, and now I've submited another csv and found that it works well. Thank you for your help.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=39f55ce58935303f56d5502eaa4be47e6dc15c39a4ad9f90457bc1da7859c9aa

Thank you for resubmission and confirmation.
Please post on the topic page if you have any trouble.

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=c759f65d4a189967abc1845ca87a066fe982ffde86a9578f37e20ef5f9c42a46

My page rank is different from LB rank. Please tell me the reason.

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